Member Spotlight: Caitlin Duffy
Day Job:
I'm a relationship manager for nonprofit, philanthropy, and small business clients at Amalgamated Bank, a socially responsible bank founded in 1923. I've been in the nonprofit sector for nearly a decade, most recently with the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy.
I care about resource distribution to support the DC area's equity and justice movements. I previously was on the Board of Instigators of the Diverse City Fund, which invests in local efforts led by and rooted in communities of color to realize liberation, spark solutions, organize against oppression of all kinds, and create systemic change. I appreciate the initiative and leadership to organize this giving circle! Causes you care about:
I’m committed to liberatory education and healing justice work with other white people of European descent. I’ve found an incredible community of practice with the Healing Team of the DC Chapter of Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ). Learn more about my ongoing journey of healing from white supremacy, including the teachers and resources that have supported me, in this essay I wrote for PEAK Grantmaking. Staying inspired by:
Engaging in great virtual conversations and convenings each week, especially since Twitter is my second home. I’m working to balance it with screen breaks. Greenery and beautiful trees outside remind me to ground myself in breath and experience the world beyond my thinking mind. My 7 month old puppy reminds me of joy and presence. Anything else?
If anything I shared resonated with you, let's connect! I'm eager to be in community with others in the organized money ecosystem in DC, especially if you also move in institutional philanthropy and finance spaces. Follow Caitlin on Twitter