NGGC recognizes that Black and Brown communities face inequitable access to opportunities to build wealth and establish economic security, and that the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic has had a disproportionate impact on communities of color. For this year’s grantmaking cycle, our membership seeks to support organizations working to advance economic justice and financial security of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) individuals and families in the region.
NGGC invites applications from organizations with annual budgets up to $1 million that work to ensure individuals and families can build assets and establish financial strength and security.
Applications will be accepted until 11:00 PM ET on July 26, 2024.
​View our previous webinar recording from June 13 here, our previous webinar recording from July 17 here, and our webinar slides here. (Content in both webinars is the same except for Q&A at the end.)
NGGC reconoce que las comunidades Negras y Latinx enfrentan inequidades en el acceso a oportunidades para construir patrimonios y conseguir seguridad económica; igualmente, las repercusiones económicas del COVID-19 han impactado desproporcionadamente a las comunidades de color. Para el ciclo de subvención de este año, el NGGC busca apoyar a organizaciones que trabajan en promover la justicia económica y/o la seguridad financiera de los individuos y familias BIPOC (Negro, Indígena y Personas de Color) de la región.
NGGC invita las aplicaciones de organizaciones con presupuestos anuales de hasta $1 millones que trabajan para asegurar que personas y familias puedan construir activos y establecer fortaleza y seguridad financiera.
​Las aplicaciones serán aceptadas hasta las 11:00 PM ET del 26 de julio, 2024.
Every year, the Next Gen Giving Circle spends time learning about members to target a grant priority that best reflects our group interests.
Once we determine a priority, our grants committee designs and releases an application each summer. Our request for proposal (RFP) process follows the same general format:
Application open (~6 weeks)
Initial review period (~3 weeks)
Finalist review period (~3 weeks)
Grantee Selection
Grant amounts are decided by members during the review process and typically range from $2,500 - $15,000.
In 2020, NGGC received 55 applications and gave $25,000 to five organizations working on housing and food access in the Greater Washington region. NGGC also gave a discretionary $5,000 relief grant (no application) in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
In 2021, NGGC received 55 applications and gave $40,000 to six organizations working at the intersection of racial equity and economic empowerment. NGGC also gave $4,000 in follow up support grants to its 2020 recipients.
In 2022, NGGC received 38 applications and gave $40,000 to four organizations working at the intersection of racial equity and economic empowerment. NGGC also gave $15,000 in follow up support grants to its 2021 recipients.
In 2023, NGGC received 56 applications and gave $35,000 to five organizations working at the intersection of racial equity and economic empowerment. NGGC also gave $4,000 in follow up support grants to its 2022 recipients.
Want to join the membership? Click here to learn more.