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Member Spotlight (#3)

Member Spotlight: Rumbi Mufuka

Day Job:

Director of Impact and Strategic Engagement at Compass Pro Bono.


Compass is my first nonprofit job and NGGC is a good cross-section of practitioners, grantmakers, leaders, and donors to learn more from. My interest in Giving Circles stems from a personal research project about Black Diaspora Giving ( While on the leadership team of Young African Professionals DC (, a colleague and I became curious about philanthropy in our community, leading us to explore how to elevate voices, impact, and interests of young philanthropists in the Black Diaspora.

Favorite cause(s):

I have a soft spot for higher education programs from hearing at an early age that an education is the only thing no one can take away from you. More generally, I’m passionate about organizational excellence and try to steer my modest donations toward efforts that build stronger, more sustainable organizations rather than just a program.

Staying inspired in 2020:

I try to make regular connections with friends and family and take time off, even if it's at home. I also dive into personal projects like, a real estate construction project with my fiancé John, and my role on the board of Art Enables.


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