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The Next Gen Giving Circle (NGGC) is an inclusive group of young professionals in the Washington, D.C. region. As a member, you will:


  • Be part of something bigger than yourself.

  • Make a larger impact in the community than if you made an individual donation.

  • Meet peers who want to make a difference in our city.

  • Attend VIP events at fun spots across the city to socialize and learn more about philanthropy.

  • Select nonprofits to receive grants each giving cycle.

  • Gain a better understanding of how nonprofits address challenges in our region.


Upon joining, members make annual contributions to the Giving Circle paid in monthly installments or one-time donation. While the minimum commitment for new members is $300/year (or $25/month), NGGC encourages members to donate as much as they feel comfortable -- these funds ultimately support local organizations doing amazing work. Regardless of contribution, every member will have an equal vote in selecting our grant priorities and grantees each year. From 2020-2023, we've made about two dozen grants totaling over $160,000.


Members also have the opportunity to take an active role in NGGC's operation by joining our grantmaking, event planning, communications, investment, or recruitment committees. Ultimately, in the process of awarding collective grants, we hope members learn more about one another, issues facing the region, needs of nonprofits, and philanthropic landscape.


Interested in joining the Next Gen Giving Circle? Please visit our donation page on Grapevine to get started:



What’s a giving circle?

A giving circle is a way for individuals to pool small donations and decide together where they are contributed. It’s a great a way to increase impact of individual giving. 


If I'm not rich can I really be a philanthropist?

We think so! The Next Gen Giving Circle is built on the idea that everyone can and should participate in philanthropy. Our members make annual pledges that they pay in automated monthly installments - just like Hulu! Everyone has equal say in grant selections, regardless of their donation amount.


What's the average contribution?

In 2021, member donations ranged from $250 to $2500, with the majority giving through a recurring monthly format. The average donation was $40/month.


How are grants made?

A committee of Giving Circle members volunteer to oversee our grants process. Members select grant priorities and  determine final awards. Learn more about our grantmaking.


How do I sign up?

Our membership process is open to all. If you want to join the circle, please navigate to our Grapevine donation page. Once there, you'll be able to join and donate to NGGC.


Is there an age limit?
We do not have an age limit for our members, but most are early to mid-career professionals. The average age of our members is mid-30s.


How do I make a donation?

On the right side of our Grapevine page, you should see an option to select an amount to donate (i.e. $25, $50, $75, $100, other) and donation frequency (i.e. monthly or one-time). To be eligible for membership, you must pledge at least $300/year or $25/month. One-time givers should select "other amount" and type in a number. We encourage members to donate whatever is meaningful to them, as every dollar is pooled to make larger community grants!


Is my donation tax deductible?

Using the Grapevine platform, their foundation serves as our fiscal agent. Donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. You will get receipts acknowledging your contribution whenever payment is collected.


Do you participate in employee matching programs?
We welcome the opportunity to participate and can work with donors on an individual basis to supply the information they need to access their employer matching programs. Email for next steps.

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